This committee meets every 2 months. Recurring agenda items include voting on CMB faculty applications, reviewing student candidacy and dissertation committees (faculty only review student files), and proposing/discussing CMB program policies. Additional agenda items may be proposed by students or faculty within the committee, or outside of the committee. This committee consists of faculty from a variety of departments across the university, and 4 CMB student representatives.
Current Program Committee Members: (Updated April 2024)
- Lauren Perl
- Erin King
CMB Faculty:
- Manoj Puthenveedu (Director)
- Ben Allen (Associate Director)
- Ariella Shikanov (Associate Director)
- Dave Antonetti
- Kathy Collins
- Sue Hammoud
- Ken Inoki
- Ann Miller
- Lois Weisman
- Qiong Yang
- Scott Barolo (ex-officio)
- Zaneta Nikolovska-Coleska (ex-officio)
(Ex-officio = by virtue of their positions, these individuals have standing invitations to attend CMB PC Meetings)
CMB Students:
- Faith Carranza-Connors
- Margarita Brovkina
- Amanda Orosco
- Madeline Shay