Megan Radyk, PhD

Costas Lyssiotis / Yatrik Shah Lab

Areas of Interest

My research is focused on identifying new mechanisms of cancer initiation. I am specifically interested in assessing the metabolic pathways altered in metaplasia.

Honors & Awards

  • Jan 2021 - Center for Cell Plasticity and Organ Design (CPOD) T32 Training Program in Organogenesis Postdoctoral Fellowship; University of Michigan
  • April 2020 - Barbara Jakschik Award (Awarded for the best thesis focused on metabolic regulation); Washington University in St. Louis
  • Dec 2018 - NIH NCI F31 Kirschstein NRSA Predoctoral Fellowship
  • Nov 2018 - Philip and Sima Needleman Fellowship in Regenerative Medicine; Washington University in St. Louis
  • Sept 2016 - Cell and Molecular Biology T32 Training Program Predoctoral Fellowship; Washington University in St. Louis


  • PhD, Molecular Cell Biology, Washington University in St. Louis

Published Articles or Reviews

  • Radyk MD*, Spatz LB*, Mills JC. Chapter 11: Autophagy in Cell Plasticity with Particular Focus on Paligenosis. Autophagy in Health and Disease. Academic Press. In Production.
  • Willet SG, Lewis MA, Miao Z-F, Liu D, Radyk MD, Cunningham RL, Burclaff J, Sibbel G, Lo HG, Blanc V, Davidson NO, Wang Z-N, Mills JC. (2018). Regenerative proliferation of differentiated cells by mTORC1dependent paligenosis. EMBO J: 3;37(7). PMC5881627
  • Radyk MD, Burclaff J, Willet SG, Mills JC. (2018). Metaplastic cells in the stomach arise, independently of stem cells, via dedifferentiation or transdifferentiation of chief cells. Gastroenterology: 154:839-843. PMC5847468
  • Radyk MD, Mills JC. (2017). A chief source of cancer and repair in stomachs. EMBO J: 36:2318-2320. PMC5556266
  • Kremer JC, Prudner BC, Lange SES, Bean GR, Schultze MB, Brashears CB, Radyk MD, Redlich N, Tzeng S-C, Kami K, Shelton L, Li A, Morgan Z, Bomalaski JS, Tsukamoto T, McConathy J, Michel LS, Held JM, Van Tine BA. (2017). Arginine Deprivation Inhibits the Warburg Effect and Upregulates Glutamine Anaplerosis and Serine Biosynthesis in ASS1-Deficient Cancers. Cell Rep: 18:991-1004. PMC5840045
  • Khanna MR, Mattie FJ, Browder KC, Radyk MD, Crilly SE, Bakerink KJ, Spiecher DW, Thomas CH. (2014). Spectrin tetramer formation is not required for viable development in Drosophila. J Biol Chem: 290:706-715. PMC429449

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