PGY1 Pharmacy Residency

Residency Program Director: Megan Cadiz, PharmD

General Description 

The PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program at the University of Michigan Health (UMH), accredited by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), is a 12-month program beginning the third Monday of June each year. This program accommodates up to twelve residents and provides a wide variety of experiences designed to develop practitioners with knowledge and expertise in clinical pharmacy practice.

Residents participate in clinical, operational, educational, research, and administrative activities. The residency program is guided by the Residency Advisory Committee which consists of the Residency Program Manager (Chair), Clinical Pharmacist Preceptors/RAC Mentors, an administrator, all PGY1 and PGY2 Residency Program Directors (RPDs), two Chief Residents, and other program representatives.

Program Purpose

PGY1 residency programs build upon Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) education and outcomes to develop pharmacist practitioners with knowledge, skills, and abilities as defined in the educational competency areas, goals, and objectives. Residents who successfully complete PGY1 residency programs will be skilled in diverse patient care, practice management, leadership, and education, and be prepared to provide patient care, seek board certification in pharmacotherapy (i.e., BCPS), and pursue advanced education and training opportunities including postgraduate year two (PGY2) residencies.


Recruitment Plan

We will be represented at ASHP Midyear Showcase in New Orleans, Louisiana on Tuesday, December 10th from 1:00-4:00 PM at booth 6004. Please stop by to connect with the residents & RPD! 

Can't make it to Midyear? No problem! Here the complete list of recruitment events we'll be attending this year:


Interviews for 2025 will be 100% virtual/remote.  Information on how to apply to our residency program, as well as a list of interview dates, can be found in the "About" section of the website, under "How Do I Apply?"


Residency Requirements

Direct Patient Care Experiences

  • Residents must receive a score of "achieved for residency" ≥ 80% of ASHP required objectives 
  • All evaluations must be completed in PharmAcademic

Scientific Advancement and Research

  • A research project suitable for publication and completed within the residency year. Research opportunities are available in conjunction with many of the faculty.
  • A writing project must be completed in conjunction with a preceptor. This comprehensive review project is suitable for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Residents also present 3 seminars throughout the year; a protocol presentation, a ACPE-accredited CE presentation, and a final research project presentation.

Leadership and Professional Development

  • All residents will participate in a committee (either local, state, or national) to develop essential leadership skills. They have the responsibility of determining committee involvement with the assistance of preceptors
  • Residents help support the residency class by involvement in resident-run committees, such as Orientation, Social Media, Resident Trip, and Wellness Committee.
  • All residents participate in a longitudinal professional development series focused on  research, writing, and leadership skills.

Teaching and Academia

  • The residents receive adjunct faculty appointments at the U-M College and serve as instructors for a one-semester course either in the Fall or Winter semester.
  • There is an optional teaching certificate opportunity provided through the U-M College of Pharmacy. Residents completing the certificate are required to take a required teaching/academia rotation.
  • Residents may choose the months they want to co-precept IPPE and/or APPE pharmacy students during orientation.

Longitudinal Experiences

  • Clinical Case Conference
  • Code Blue response
  • Weekend and Holiday Staffing (see details below)

Community Service

Residents will participate in at least one community service activity during the year. Events are organized by the resident-run Community Service committee. 

Learning Experiences

Residents will complete a total of 12 monthly learning experiences throughout the year, including:

  • A 6-week orientation period (starting in mid-June, through July) will introduce the resident to the University of Michigan Health (UMH) and the U-M College of Pharmacy. During this time period, residents learn to combine operational services with clinical services in oncology, cardiology, surgery, and medicine. Residents will also have additional learning sessions on other residency program requirements, including research and writing projects, seminar presentations, benefits, duty hours & moonlighting, wellness, and more.
  • Project month (December)
  • 5 required learning experiences
  • 5 elective learning experiences
Required Experiences
      • Adult Internal Medicine: can select from a variety of settings including: cardiology, hematology, hospital care at home, internal medicine, and medical oncology.
      • Ambulatory Care: can select from a variety of settings including: bone marrow transplant  family medicine, hematology, internal medicine, outpatient anticoagulation/cardiovascular medicine, oncology oral chemotherapy, pediatric pulmonary/cystic fibrosis  and solid organ transplant clinics. Some rotations available as block or longitudinal.
      • Critical Care: can select from a variety of settings including: adult cardiac/cardiovascular, medical, neurology/neurosurgery, surgical, and trauma/burn ICUs
      • Medication Use Policy 
      • Pharmacy Practice Management: can select from a variety of settings with preceptors that are leaders in different areas of the organization
Elective Experience Options

The remaining rotations are chosen as electives which include:

    • Addiction Consult
    • Adult Emergency Medicine
    • Adult General Neurology
    • Adult Infectious Diseases Consult
    • Adult Inpatient Cardiology
    • Adult Inpatient Hematology
    • Adult Inpatient Medical Oncology
    • Adult Inpatient Psychiatry
    • Adult Inpatient Solid Organ Transplant
    • Adult Internal Medicine II 
    • Adult Internal Medicine - Hospital Care at Home (HCAH)
    • Adult Palliative Care Consult Service 
    • Bone Marrow Transplant
    • Clinical Faculty Teaching: Pharmacogenomics or Outpatient Leukemia
    • Compounding Compliance Administration (HSPAL program only)
    • Informatics
    • Lung Transplant/Medicine Pulmonary 
    • Managed Care
    • Medication Safety
    • Pain Management
    • Pediatrics: Cardiology & Cardiothoracic Unit (PCTU)
    • Pediatrics: Emergency Medicine
    • Pediatrics: General Pediatrics
    • Pediatrics: General Pediatrics - Pulmonary/Nephrology
    • Pediatrics: Hematology Oncology
    • Pediatrics: Infectious Diseases
    • Pediatrics: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
    • Pediatrics: Pediatric Critical Care (PICU)
    • Pharmacogenetics
    • Pharmacy Analytics
    • Pharmacy Analytics, Quality, Regulatory & Safety Outcomes
    • Pharmacy Operations
    • Research Pharmacy: Role of Pharmacy Services in Clinical Trials
    • Surgery-Nutrition
    • Teaching/Academia

Staffing Requirements 

PGY1 residents will independently staff approximately 20 weekends (~2 weekends per month) over the year. These responsibilities will include both clinical and distributive/operational roles during day and afternoon shifts. All clinical staffing will be completed in the adult hospital, while the distributive/operational staffing will be completed in the adult hospital or the children and women's hospital.

Each resident will work one 5-day major holiday block (Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year’s) and one 3-day minor holiday block (Labor Day or Memorial Day). The residents will also staff 2 "gap days" between Christmas and New Year's - one as a staffing day, and one as a project day.  The resident will have all other holiday blocks off as time away from residency.


Mentorship Program

PGY1 residents are assigned a residency advisory committee (RAC) mentor to help guide them through the year with graduation requirements. Residents also choose a preceptor mentor during orientation to touch base almost monthly on their well-being and other topics. The RAC and chosen mentors work closely together to support the resident's progress and transition from student to resident learner. 


Wellness Program

We have a dedicated committee focused on resident wellness which consists of both residents and preceptors. Residents receive 5 wellness days to focus on a residency-class identified area of wellness, such as emotional, social, financial, etc. The resident class has the opportunity to participate in a wellness activity during their wellness day, such as a hike, yoga class, or open discussion groups, but also have the ability to focus on themselves. 



  • Salary: $50,000 annually paid once monthly with medical benefits
  • Up to 15 days of paid time off to be used for vacation/personal/interview/illness
  • Business days for presentations at national and local conferences
  • Access to free workplace counseling 
  • Remote work for non-direct patient care rotations and research month, at discretion of preceptors
  • Leave of absence policies in the event a resident requires longer time away
  • Dedicated office desk space with a personal laptop computer
  • Embroidered white coat
  • Access to MPerks through University of Michigan (additional savings using your badge)


Residency Program Director 

 Megan Cadiz, PharmD  

 Pharmacy Residency Manager; Residency Program Director - PGY1 Pharmacy

 Email: [email protected]



Please check out the F.A.Q. for application deadlines and interview dates.