Scott is the Quality and Safety manager. He also is the Quality improvement coordinator for pharmacy and manage the medication management team that audits each ambulatory clinic site each 6 months and maintains our policy and procedures. In addition, he provides direction for our Medication Safety Officer and medication safety technician as we seek to improve the safety of the Medication use cycle.
Pharmacy School attended: Ferris State University 1993 Pharm BS; University ofFlorida 2010 PharmD
Areas of Interest
Medication Safety & Quality
Honors & Awards
2017 American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Foundation Innovation in Pharmacy Practice Award “Standardization of Compounded Oral Liquids for Pediatric Patients in Michigan” Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2016 Jul 1; (13):981-90.
Published Articles or Reviews
- Czarnik S, Kocan MJ, Strobbe S, Alaniz C,Ciarkowski SL, Kirst NB, Lukela MP, Malloy KM, Seyfried LS, Somand DM, Walker P, Wood W, Seagull FJ. Alcohol Withdrawal in Hospitalized Patients [Internet]. Ann Arbor (MI): Michigan Medicine University of Michigan; 2020 January
- Stumpf JL, Leja N, Ciarkowski SL, Salah S, Schaeffler KL. Updating formulations for compounded oral liquid medications in a university health system. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2018 Sep 15; 75(18): 1394-1398.
- Ostling S, Wyckoff J, Ciarkowski SL, Pai CW, Choe HM, Bahl V, Gianchandani R. The relationship between diabetes mellitus and 30-day readmission rates. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology. 2017 3(3):1-8.
- Engels, MJ, Ciarkowski SL, Rood JM, Wang B, Wagenknecht LD, Dickinson CK, Stevenson JG. Standardization of compounded oral liquids for pediatric patients in Michigan. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2016 Jul 1;73(13):981-90.
- Stumpf JL, Ciarkowski SL, Leja N, Jaynes EK. Phytonadione oral liquid. Am J Health Syst Pharm 2016; 73 (12): 858-61.
- Young K, Cochran K, Mei M, Adkins-Bley K, Ciarkowski S, Wagner D. Ensuring safe medication administration through direct observation. QualPrim Care 2015; 23(3): 167-73.
- Engels MJ, Ciarkowski SL. Nursing, pharmacy and prescriber knowledge and perceptions of high-alert medications in a large, academic medical hospital. Hosp Pharm 2015;50(4):287-295.