Areas of Interest
Our group is broadly interested in how human genetic variation affects gene and genome function. One area of research is grounded in the observation that mutations in aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases cause myriad disease phenotypes, including dominant axonal neuropathy and recessive syndromes that include neurodevelopmental defects. The second area of research aims to study how gene regulation—via cis-acting transcriptional regulatory elements, including enhancers and promoters—plays a role in developing myelinating Schwann cells of the peripheral nervous system. We are always looking for outstanding students and post-doctoral fellows to advance in these areas.
Honors & Awards
- Dean’s Award for Basic Science Research, University of Michigan (2017)
- Basic Sciences Teaching Award, Human Genetics (2012)
- NIH Pathway to Independence (PI) Award (2007-2011)
- International Visiting Research Fellowship, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (2008)
- Post-doctoral fellow, Human Genetics and Genomics, NIH/NHGRI (2008)
- Ph.D., Genetics, George Washington University/NIH (2004)
- B.S., Zoology, University of Massachusetts (1992)
Published Articles or Reviews
- Translatomic analysis of regenerating and degenerating spinal motor neurons in injury and ALS. JL Shadrach. Stansberry, AM Milen, RE Ives, EA Fogarty, Anthony Antonellis, BA Pierchala. 2021, iScience - Article
- Evidence for a dominant-negative mechanism in HARS1-mediated peripheral neuropathy. R Meyer-Schuman, Anthony Antonellis. 2021, FEBS Journal - Article
- Comprehensive characterization of mRNAs associated with yeast cytosolic aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases. S Garin, O Levi, ME Forrest, Anthony Antonellis, YS Arava 2021, RNA Biology - Article