March 10, 2022

Tipping our Hats to Bernard (Bernie) Agranoff

On March 10, 2022, MNI proudly hosts The Annual Bernard W. Agranoff Lectureship in Neuroscience. This Lectureship honors Dr. Agranoff’s remarkable career as a leader in biochemistry and an internationally recognized expert in neuroscience. 

He was amongst the first to demonstrate that long-term memory formation required de novo protein synthesis, and his research subsequently identified molecular markers of neuroplasticity and enhanced our understanding of the processes involved in nerve generations. Dr. Agranoff co-authored and co-edited the first 6 editions of the textbook “Basic Neurochemistry,” which has provided the foundational knowledge on this topic to trainees across generations.

Dr. Agranoff (Bernie) served as the Director of the Mental Health Research Institute (formerly the Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute, now the Michigan Neuroscience Institute) from 1985-1995. His leadership of the Institute helped to establish the collegial atmosphere that persists today – one that fosters collaboration and promotes excellence in research.
The Lectureship is an enduring legacy to Dr. Agranoff’s scientific career and highlights researchers who work to improve our understanding of the brain and apply that knowledge to help those with brain disorders. For this year's event, we feature Kelsey Martin, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative. Although the 2022 Lectureship will not be held in person, we will strive to celebrate Bernie with the same enthusiasm and reverence as in years past. We hope you have the opportunity to attend the virtual lecture honoring this neuroscience legend.