April 22, 2022

United Press International (UPI) highlights research by Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D.

Smartwatch heart rate data can help track COVID-19 progression, study finds

A smartwatch that tracks the wearer’s heart rate can be used to monitor disease progression in people with COVID-19 and may predict how sick they will become, according to research by MNI research professor and professor of psychiatry Srijan Sen, M.D., Ph.D., and Daniel Forger, Ph.D., professor of mathematics and computational medicine and bioinformatics.

"Identifying the varying patterns of different heart rate parameters derived from wearables across the course of COVID-19 infection is a substantial advance for the field," study co-author Dr. Srijan Sen said in a press release.

"This work can help us more meaningfully follow populations in future COVID-19 waves," said Sen, a professor of psychiatry and director of the Eisenberg Family Depression Center at the University of Michigan.