July 12, 2022

Cortney Turner, Ph.D. - Making a Difference in Treating Depression

MNI faculty member Cortney Turner, Ph.D., dedicates her life to researching better predictors and treatments for depression. Cortney was diagnosed with the condition as a teenager, and because existing treatments didn't help, she made it her mission to help find treatments that do.

Cortney obtained her Ph.D. in Medical Sciences/Neuroscience in 2003 and joined MNI as a post-doctoral fellow in Dr. Stanley Watson, Jr.'s lab, focusing on the neurobiology of affective neuroscience. She is currently an Associate Research Scientist in the lab of Dr. Huda Akil and serves on the Hope for Depression Research Foundation (HDRF) Depression Task Force.

"It’s such a joy to interact with some of the best depression researchers in the field through HDRF, and that the MNI is part of that group. The pandemic illustrates the effects of stress on the mental health of young adults, and this has been the focus of our work."

The HDRF recently featured Cortney in a blog post describing her journey, interest in depression-related research, and current work.