April 14, 2023

Monica Dus, Ph.D. Named Guggenheim Fellow for 2023

MNI Affiliate Member Monica Dus, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology, was recently named a 2023 Guggenheim Fellow by the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. 

Dr. Dus was one of 171 scientists, writers, scholars, and artists that were chosen from a pool of almost 2,500 applicants representing 48 unique fields of expertise. 

Monica Dus, Ph.D.

As a Guggenheim Fellow, Dr. Dus received a grant, which she can spend in a manner without restrictions or conditions. She also has been granted a sabbatical leave, in which she plans to fund her research for a popular book on food-gene interactions, a field known as nutrigenomics.

“This is the book I wanted to research and write during my sabbatical, and now, thanks to the generous support of the Guggenheim Foundation, I can actually do it,” Dus said.

Please help us congratulate Dr. Dus on this exemplary achievement.