Bipolar Disorder Research

Learn more about Prechter Program research projects. 

Our research team's goal is to develop solutions for individuals with bipolar. Through our research, we seek to identify potential patterns in bipolar disorder. 

Bipolar disorder is a condition of profound variability of mood with a wide range of outcomes and associated illnesses. 

There are so many questions to be asked and answered. Why do some people prosper despite having bipolar? Why do so many die by suicide? Why are heart disease, migraines, and obesity so prevalent among people with bipolar? How can we inform the field of medicine with our research in bipolar?

The Prechter Program research team is interested in exploring these questions, and more, through our research studies. Our flagship and primary research study is our Prechter Longitudinal Study of Bipolar Disorder (PLS-BD). Nearly all of our studies stem from the PLS-BD. 

The strengths and passions of our research team are vast, matched only by the dedication of our Longitudinal Study of Bipolar Disorder research participants, and the generous support of our donors.

Participating in research is meaningful to me because I'm actively involved in helping the scientists find better treatments and care for bipolar disorder.

Prechter Program research participants

Longitudinal Study of Bipolar Disorder

The Prechter Longitudinal Study of Bipolar Disorder (PLS-BD) is the Program's flagship research study. The first research participant was enrolled in 2006, and today there are over 1,500 participants. The PLS-DB is the primary research study of the Prechter Program. Nearly all other research studies from the Prechter Program enroll participants from the Longitudinal Study. 

Learn more about the Longitudinal Study of Bipolar Disorder. 

BD² Integrated Network

The Prechter Program at the University of Michigan is one of six sites that are part of the BD² Integrated Network with BD²: Breakthrough Discoveries for Thriving with Bipolar Disorder. This study will create an information database that will allow researchers to look at how genetics and other biomarkers are impacted by bipolar disorder.

Learn more about BD². 

PRIORI Ambient

The PRIORI Ambient collaborative project is built from the Prechter Program's proprietary app PRIORI (Predicting Individual Outcomes for Rapid Intervention) developed through partnerships across the University of Michigan. PRIORI Ambient measures emotion, mood, and functional outcomes by speech collected passively on our research participants smartphones. 

Learn more about PRIORI Ambient.  

Better Sleep for Bipolar Disorder

The Better Sleep for Bipolar Disorder study is a testing the effects of low dose melatonin use in a small number of people with bipolar disorder to learn the effects on mood and the body clock.

Learn more about the Better Sleep for Bipolar Disorder study. 


If you are interested in participating in Prechter Program research studies, contact us at:

877-864-3637 toll-free
[email protected]

I feel privileged to have been a participant in the Longitudinal Study of Bipolar Disorder. If the data collected from my responses results in beneficial diagnostic, treatment, or support data, then I truly believe that my time and efforts have been well spent.

Prechter Program research participants