Each person who is affected by bipolar disorder, either through their own illness or that of someone they love, has the ability to make a difference in combating this complicated disease. Bipolar disorder does not discriminate—it affects individuals and families of varying gender, race, nationality, socio-economic status and level of education. There is something each of us can do to strengthen the fight against bipolar disorder, including lending our voices to the ever-increasing chorus of those who are working on behalf of a cure, sharing information to eradicate stigma, and seeking help for themselves and others who are affected.
There are many ways to support the bipolar disorder cause, both in your own community and with the Prechter Program. By making a donation, volunteering your time or sharing your story with others, you are personally helping to ease the suffering caused by bipolar disorder. In this section, we share a sampling of the passionate individuals who have used their voice to support the Prechter Program.
Elisa Aronica
Interview with Elisa Aronica, personal stylist for Stella & Dot.
Elizabeth Guz
Link by Link, Helping Us Find a Cure for Bipolar Disorder
Lisa Fabian
Development Director for the Prechter Program
Pat Wagner
An interview with a long-time donor and advocate
The Richard Tam Foundation
A research catalyst