June 5, 2024

Prechter Program Research Participant Featured on NPR Podcast

Check out two podcasts to hear from a Prechter Program research participant on living with bipolar disorder.

Healing the Tigress Podcast

Michelle Yang, writer, mental health advocate, and Prechter Program research participant was recently a featured guest on the podcasts Healing the Tigress and Embodied: NPR. Michelle is a bold advocate for mental health and combating stigma. Part of Michelle's advocacy is through her writing, which touches on the intersection of Asian American identity, body image, and mental health including bipolar disorder. Her work is highly regarded and she has been featured across many media outlets such as NBC News, CNN, InStyle, Shondaland, HuffPost, and more.

Her episode with Healing the Tigress addresses her journey with bipolar I disorder and motherhood. Listen to the episode here.

In the NPR podcast, Embodied, Michelle and her spouse discuss the nature of bipolar disorder and relationships. They talk about navigating parenting, relationships, and bipolar disorder. Listen to the episode here.  

You can find more of Michelle's work on her website, Facebook, and Instagram. She is also publishing a memoir, PHOENIX GIRL: HOW A FAT ASIAN WITH BIPOLAR FOUND LOVE, which will be forthcoming from Fifth Avenue Press in January 2025.