Kristin Chrouser, MD, MPH

S Matthew Berge MD Research Professor
Associate Professor, Urology


Dr. Chrouser’s main research interest is focused on understanding how surgeon responses to intraoperative stress impact their team’s communication and dynamics.  Her long term goal is to design interventions to improve the quality of surgical care provided as well as prevent provider burnout/attrition from chronic stress. She is also working on several projects Patient Safety Enhancement Program (PSEP) to understand how inpatient urinary retention is managed, with the long-term goal of reducing unnecessary catheterization and thus preventing urethral injury.


Dow Health Services Research
Men's Health and Reconstruction
VA Ann Arbor Urology Program

Areas of Interest

Research Interests: Intraoperative patient safety, surgeon ergonomics, surgical team communication, prevention of catheter-related urethral trauma
Clinical Interests:  Urethral strictures and fistulas, kidney stones


Medical School/Training

  • Mayo Medical School, 2000


  • Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Urology, 2006

Board Certification

  • American Board of Urology

Published Articles or Reviews

Web Sites

2215 Fuller Road, 112 U
Ann Arbor, MI  48105
(734) 936-7030