November 18, 2019

Prechter Data Lab Updates

The Prechter Data Lab is responsible for the storage, retrieval and organization of our diverse and growing datasets. The data lab’s primary aim is to assist our researchers with the data they need to gain knowledge into the causes and treatment for bipolar disorder. Our data includes phenotypic, demographic, genetic, molecular and medical information as well as clinical, cognitive, behavioral and speech assessments.

Our Longitudinal Study of Bipolar Disorder now includes 13 years of data from more than 1,330 research participants. We have collaborated with the University of Michigan Central Biorepository to obtain and store biological specimens (blood/plasma/saliva) from our participants. We are also working with the Precision Health Initiative to integrate the ever-growing data resources at the University of Michigan, which includes the electronic-health record and geographical information systems, with our data. This treasure trove of data will provide insight and answers to questions about bipolar disorder. 

We’re excited to test new algorithms for analyzing our diverse data in novel ways and to collaborate with researchers throughout the University and world-wide. To help achieve this goal, we’ve added a new senior staff member, Anastasia Yocum, Ph.D., who recently joined the Prechter Data Lab as a Research Program Manager. With the help of our talented data programmers, Kritika Versha and Steve Anderau, Dr. Yocum is charged with the design and development of a data management system which will allow researchers greater access to this great lake of data and increase progress in treating bipolar disorder.