Poster Presentation Guidelines

The UM-SBDRC invites submission of abstracts for poster presentation at our 5th Annual Symposium on Thursday, February 29, 2024, 8:00am-12:00pm.

The abstracts will be included in the symposium program. To reserve a place at the symposium for an abstract and poster presentation, please indicate YES in the registration form to let us know you intend to submit an abstract.

The Annual Symposium is your chance to learn about the latest research in skin biology and disease, see what core services the center provides, interact with other center members, establish new collaborations, and share your skin-relevant research in abstract and poster format. 

Abstract and Poster topics should focus on skin biology and disease research within the mission of the NIH’s National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS). Research on advanced skin cancers, including metastasis and treatment are not within the NIAMS mission. More information about the NIAMS mission can be found here:

  • Posters must fit within the 4 feet wide by 3 feet high (landscape) poster display board. Note: suggested paper dimensions are 42 inches (horizontal) by 36 inches (vertical).
  • Please bring your printed poster with you the morning of the symposium and drop off by 8:00am in the Kahn Auditorium ABC seminar rooms (which is straight ahead when you enter BSRB near Kahn Auditorium). An administrator will hang it on a display board for you. The room will be open by 7:30am.
  • Posters will be displayed from 8:00am-12:00pm. During the poster presentation segment, presenters will stand by their poster in the Kahn Seminar Rooms ABC and be available for other investigators to discuss your research and possible collaborations. Arrangements will be made for posters to be returned to you or be available for pick up at 6447 Med Sci I the following week.
  • The abstract to go with the poster is included in our symposium booklet and is up to one page, 1 inch margins, 11 arial font.
  • Please send Carmel McKeon ([email protected]) your abstract and a pdf of your poster by Friday, February 23, 2024. 

Poster Awards: Posters will be judged by a team of faculty, based upon both subject matter and presentation. Awards for first place ($100 Amazon gift certificate), second place ($50 Amazon gift certificate), third place ($25 Amazon gift certificate) will be announced at the end of the Symposium.