Critical Care Medine Unit (CCMU) - Days

  • This is the home unit for EM-CCM fellows in the IM pathway. Fellows rotate along with their PCCM fellow colleagues in the 20-bed Critical Care Medicine Unit (Michigan’s Medical ICU). The CCMU is divided into two 10-bed services (Blue and Maize), each with one attending, one fellow, and house staff.
  • The objectives of this rotation include gaining expertise in the following areas: ventilator management, vasoactive medications, shock, point-of-care ultrasound, complications of advanced treatment options for malignancies including those of CAR-T therapy; and various procedures to include direct and video intubation, awake fiberoptic intubation, arterial and central lines, ultrasound-guided IVs, large bore and pigtail chest tubes, paracentesis, thoracentesis, and bronchoscopy.
  • The CCMU fellows from each team rotate taking “call,” which entails triaging admissions from the ED/EC3, the hospital floors, and from outside hospitals. Fellows work closely with the charge nurse and bed manager to ensure proper admission of critically ill patients.