Scott Kelley, MD

Scott A. Kelley, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Family Medicine
Juana Nicoll Capizzano, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Director, Advanced Primary Care Ultrasound Fellowship
Director, Clinical Ultrasound Program
“Faculty Training Program for Point of Care Ultrasound in Family Medicine”
Brief Description: Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) is a rapidly growing clinical modality in Family Medicine. There is a recommended POCUS curriculum from the American Academy of Family Physicians, and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education in Family Medicine for 2023 now mandates that residents should have experience using POCUS in clinical care. In our department of over 100 faculty and 39 residents, we had zero providers with POCUS privileges in 2020, and have built a program from the ground up.
Methods: In 2020-21, one faculty member completed a POCUS Fellowship, amassing hundreds of scans, and resulting in privileges and billing capability. She was appointed the director of POCUS, named four additional faculty champions, and began a one-year ultrasound track for interested third-year residents (n=3). Initial training happened in the simulation center, with additional learning and experience in the clinic.
Results: In one year (2021-22), 572 scans were completed on 536 patients, up from zero scans done, archived, and billed prior to this initiative. All residents now have meaningful experience with POCUS. We are now in year three of the ultrasound track, year two of a POCUS fellowship, and four faculty have POCUS privileges, with more on the way to help fund the program and propagate education through the Department and beyond.
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