CSC Lunch & Learn: Deborah M. Rooney, PhD
"Clinical Simulation Center and Global Surgical Education"
Deborah Rooney, PhD will highlight current and planned projects that support global surgical education through simulation-based skills training.
"Clinical Simulation Center and Global Surgical Education"
Deborah Rooney, PhD will highlight current and planned projects that support global surgical education through simulation-based skills training.
Clinical Simulation Center Lunch & Learn: Dru Claar, MD
"Simulation-Based Assessment"
Towsley G2400
Topic TBD - Scott Kelley, MD
Towsley G2400
Topic TBD - David Marzano, MD
Clinical Simulation Center, Towsley G2400
Rommel Sagana, MD presents “Mock drugs and other simulation safety strategies.”
NOTE LOCATION: Clinical Simulation Center Med Sci II (room 2727 Medical Science Building II). Use the CSC Wayfinder to help you get there!
Oliver Varban, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, will facilitate a talk: “Improving Surgical Skills Using Video-Based Assessments.”
CSC Med Sci II (2727 Medical Science Building II)
"ImPACTS: Improving Pediatric Acute Care through Simulation - Current State and Future Directions" Presenter: Emily Mathias, MD
2727 Medical Science Building II
Simulation Based Education-facilitator Course Review
Towsely G2400
Erik Alderink, Product and Applications Manager, who will be discussing SIMULATIONiQ