June 11, 2019

Dr. Daniel Whibley Awarded Inaugural Dan Barry Research Program Grant

Congratulations to Dr. Daniel Whibley on being named the inaugural awardee of the Dan Barry Research Program pilot grant with his proposal titled Harnessing Participatory Action Research to guide the design of a sleep and physical activity improvement intervention for adults with osteoarthritis.

Dr. Daniel Whibley is a post-doctoral research trainee in PM&R(not to be confused with Dr. Dan Whitney, PM&R faculty member).

The Dan Barry Research Program is made possible through a generous grant from Mr. Michael Bradley. It is designed to support trainee research in the department of PM&R (physician, psychologist, research, therapist, orthoptist/prosthetist, and so forth) that uses a Participatory Action Research Model, involving members of the potential subject population substantively in the research in design, implementation, interpretation, and/or dissemination. 

As a reminder to all trainees in PM&R, the next grant cycle deadline for the Dan Barry Research Program is September 15, 2019! The grant submission portal will open later this summer https://umms.infoready4.com/#competitionDetail/1783924 Please contact Matt Melvin ([email protected]) with any questions.