February 14, 2020

Dr. Eckner Presents at Concussion Center Faculty Workshop

Michigan Concussion Center Associate Research Director, JT Eckner, an Associate Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, led a collaborative faculty workshop highlighting the Center’s recent activities and future plans.  

Dr. JT Eckner presenting at Concussion Center workshop
Dr. JT Eckner

Dr. Eckner was joined by Center leadership and two dozen faculty from over 10 different departments on campus came together to brainstorm potential projects to help shape the center’s thought-leadership and research agenda. 

 About the Michigan Concussion Center

The Center’s structure revolves around three cores with distinct, yet mutually supportive functions:

The Research Core functions as the Center’s foundation, supporting and integrating outstanding University of Michigan faculty to promote innovative research collaborations.
The Clinical Core exists symbiotically with the other cores by identifying clinically relevant research questions, involving patient populations in research studies and translating cutting edge Research Core findings into clinical care and patient education

The Outreach & Engagement Core will help support the mission of the Center and the University by translating research findings to key stakeholders and providing learning resources through externally directed platforms.

For more information about the Michigan Concussion Center, visit: https://concussion.umich.edu/