
Photo of Dr. Noelle Carlozzi
February 24, 2020

Dr. Carlozzi and CODA Awarded RO1 from NIH/NINR

Congratulations to Dr. Noelle Carlozzi and the Center for Clinical Outcomes Development and Application (CODA) on being awarded a new RO1 from the National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR/NIH ).

Dr. Seth Warschausky
January 14, 2020

Dr. Warschausky Awarded Funding from Mildred E. Swanson Foundation

The Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation is excited and grateful to announce new funding from the Mildred E. Swanson Foundation. Since 2008, the Mildred E. Swanson Foundation has continuously supported Dr. Seth Warschausky’s collaborative research on developmental, psychological, and neuropsychological needs of people with

August 20, 2019

PM&R Awarded ARRT Training Grant

Since 1991, the UM Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) has trained nearly two generations of rehabilitation researchers through Advanced Rehabilitation Research and Training (ARRT) Program grants from NIDILRR/NIDRR. Today we received news that this incredible tradition of training will continue with a new investment
