Pediatric Radiology

One month medical students rotating through Pediatric Radiology C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital

General Review and Responsibilities

Welcome to the Pediatric Radiology Rotation at Mott Children’s Hospital

This elective is designed to introduce students to pediatric radiology in the clinical setting. The main areas that constitute the core of this rotation are:

  • Plain radiographs
  • Fluoroscopic studies
  • Diagnostic Ultrasound
  • CT Computed Tomography and MR Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Studies are from patients admitted to our hospital including intensive care units (ICU) as well as out-patients from pediatric subspecialty clinics and from off-site pediatric clinics.

Each area involves interpretation of the finished studies. But you can also get involved in how to performed the diagnostic studies. Document your work by filling out the provided case list (name, hospital ID number, brief radiologic diagnosis). Of course, save the data safely (with HIPAA compliance). You can tailor this rotation to your interests as long as you get a fair variety of experience.

The responsibilities of the one month medical students rotating through the Section of Pediatric Radiology for the one-month sub-specialty elective are as follows:

  1. The medical student’s initial “home base” will be the main reading room (3-611). The student is expected to be present during the interpretation and staffing of plain radiographs and cross sectional studies performed in the main pediatric hospital as well as in the offsite pediatric clinics. The students will also have the opportunity to observe a variety of the fluoroscopic examinations being performed. During the month, each student should have observed fluoroscopy studies including a VCUG, an upper GI study, a barium enema, and an airway fluoroscopy study/barium swallow. The student should record the patient's name and registration number, which study was performed, the information that was sought from the study, and what was found. These cases should have been discussed with the resident or attending performing the study. In addition, the student should review body CT and/or MR studies several days during the month with the resident or fellow assigned to CT and/or MR. The list of observed cases should be given to Dr. Ladino Torres by the end of the rotation.
  2. Students will also participate in the interpretation reading in the ultrasound reading room. Each student should try to spend a few sessions observing how ultrasound studies are performed in the pediatric patient. After a few days, students usually become accustomed to the activities in the section. If you are observing in an area which is quiet at the moment, go to another area which is more active.
  3. The medical student is expected to attend all morning interesting case teaching conferences and is encouraged to attend all other teaching and clinical multidisciplinary conferences in this Section. There is a morning teaching conference every morning except Mondays. Additionally, we have Pediatric Tumor Board on Wednesday at noon, as well as the Thursday noon pediatric radiology resident teaching conference in the Main Hospital.
  4. Students will receive on loan a copy of the textbook “Practical Pediatric Radiology” by Hilton and Edwards for the duration of the rotation. The book will be signed out to the student and it should be returned to Marsha Xedos (3-220) at the conclusion of the month. This book is excellent. Its’ chapter are organized according to clinical problems.
  5. Students are expected to adhere to the University of Michigan Medical School code of dress and are expected to wear their identification badge at all times during their rotation in Pediatric Radiology.

End of Case Presentation

  • At the end of the rotation you are required to present a 20-minute case review presentation from a case you seen during your rotation. Please make sure your case emphasis on an imaging aspect of a clinical case.
  • Preparing the conference entails using Web PACS to import selected images. Alternatively, images can be imported from clinical workstations (PACS) using departmental RadPix software into PowerPoint. You will need help from radiology residents, fellows, or attending radiologists to get started. Review studies during the workday with any radiologist beforehand to select appropriate images. Do not use patient name or any other identifiers that go along with HIPPA regulations.
  • Please use original images for your presentation, although occasionally you may use web images or illustrations to augment your presentation.
  • Each teaching file case must be fully worked up, including: history, imaging findings, diagnosis, brief differential diagnosis, and discussion of disease with focus on relevance to the imaging features. Try to include ACR appropriateness criteria pertinent to the case. Information from textbooks and pertinent publications as references is expected.


Important goals of this rotation include:

  1. Appreciate the importance of communication between clinicians and radiologists; the imaging requisition should contain adequate clinical history and the questions to be answered so that the proper study is perform in the proper manner.
  2. Appreciate what various imaging studies entail, what information they can provide, what preparation is needed, and what apprehensions or discomfort they might cause to the patient and his/her family.

Medical students can perform an important function in the department by helping the Radiology residents, fellows and faculty in obtaining clinical and pathological follow-up on interesting cases. This has been greatly facilitated by access to the web in the reading rooms.
The minimum requirements for the Pediatric Radiology elective have been described above. The student meeting these minimal expectations will receive a pass for the elective. High pass and honors grade will be considered for the student who demonstrates extra effort and ability. Interest and initiative are also important. Each student's performance will be reviewed and assessed by the Pediatric Radiology Faculty at the conclusion of the rotation.