Welcome to the division of neuroradiology at the University of Michigan, which provides both Neurodiagnostic and Neurointerventional Radiology (NIR) services. Our mission is to deliver the highest quality patient care through accessible and reliable clinical services, serve as a center for excellence in education, community service, research and technology, and strive for better healthcare through our leadership activities locally, nationally and internationally.
The division is under the direction of Ellen Hoeffner, MD, and consists of a remarkable team of neuroradiologists and neurointerventionalists. The division is responsible for all neuroimaging performed at the main University Hospital, Mott Children's Hospital, UH satellite clinics and the Ann Arbor Veteran's Administration Hospital. The faculty is a mix of senior, mid-level and junior members. Our team has published well over 700 peer-reviewed papers, 100 non-peer reviewed papers (not including book chapters), and 13 books. The faculty have presented more than 650 abstracts and 200 scientific exhibits, and have given more than 550 invited lectures. The division's expertise is integrated with faculties who have special expertise in neurointerventional radiology, head and neck radiology, spine imaging, epilepsy, and advanced imaging techniques in both MR and CT.
Our multidisciplinary neurointerventional team of physicians, nurses and support staff diagnose and treat the entire range of cerebrovascular disorders. We are strongly committed to providing quality care to our patients and their families. Our unit serves one of the finest hospitals and medical schools in the country.
The division has an ACGME-accredited Neuroradiology fellowship program and is accredited for six fellows per year.
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