Our training program offers all our residents educational opportunities in the University, a community hospital, as well as the outpatient setting. Our emphasis on combined university and community training offers residents the broadest possible family medicine experience and the greatest flexibility upon graduation.
The University of Michigan offers outstanding opportunities in every aspect of medicine. Our residents train with leaders in every medical and surgical field and have access to cutting edge diagnostic tests and treatments.
The University Hospital - The University Hospital, located in Ann Arbor, is a 1000 bed tertiary care hospital ranked in the U.S. News & World Report Honor Roll of America’s best hospitals for over twenty-five years. The hospital offers the entire range of medical care available including subspecialty medical and surgical care. The Department of Family Medicine exclusively staffs our own inpatient adult family medicine service to provide comprehensive care for patients seen in our continuity clinics. Family medicine residents also rotate on the cardiology and ICU services at the University hospital, as well as the Adult Emergency Department.
The C.S. Mott Children's Hospital and Von Voightlander Women's Hospital - The hospitals, completely rebuilt in 2012, feature 348 beds. The Women's Birth Center includes 50 private labor and delivery rooms, and is the location of our Family Medicine obstetrics and newborn service. Family medicine residents also rotate on an inpatient general pediatrics service and work in the Children’s Emergency Department. Learn more about the children's and women's hospitals.
St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea Hospital -
This is a 133-bed community hospital providing a wide range of inpatient services including a general medical unit, general and orthopedic surgical units, a fully equipped six-bed intensive care unit, a psychiatry ward, a physical medicine and rehabilitation unit, and a busy emergency department. It is jointly owned by St. Joseph Mercy Health System and the University of Michigan.
The Chelsea Family Medicine service is an adult inpatient general medical and ICU service for patients from our family medicine centers. The service also provides inpatient consults to the surgical services. This hospital is located on the campus adjacent to one of our residency continuity clinics, and allows residents to experience inpatient medicine in a community setting which mirrors how many private family physicians practice.