Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems

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Yidan Cao

Yidan Cao, MPH, MS

Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) PhD Student
Research Associate, Center for Promotion of Child Development through Primary Care
Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) MS Alumna
Eddy, Rachel

Rachel Eddy, BSN

Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) Online MS Student
Clinical Risk Consultant, Patient Relations and Clinical Risk, Michigan Medicine
Catherine Enochs

Catherine Enochs, RN, BSN

Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) Online MS Student
Clinical Care Coordinator, Pediatric CF Program Coordinator, C.S. Mott Children's Hospital, Michigan Medicine
Beth Hansemann

Beth Hansemann

Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) Online MS Student
Continuous Improvement Specialist, Ophthalmology, Michigan Medicine
Lindsay, Kathleen

Kathleen Lindsey

Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) Online MS Student
Administrative Manager Senior, Patient Relations, Michigan Medicine

Kera Luckritz, DO, MPH

Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) PhD Student
Associate Chief Medical Information Officer, C.S. Mott Children's Hospital
Clinical Assistant Professor Pediatric Nephrology
Lauren Moore

Lauren Moore, MSE

Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) Online MS student
Translational Informatics Analyst, Mayo Clinic's Kern Center for the Science of Health Care Delivery
Morone, Nick

Nickolas (Nick) Morone

Health Infrastructures and Learning Systems (HILS) Online MS Student
Training Specialist Intermediate, Learning Design and Delivery (LDD) team, Health Information Technology and Services (HITS), Michigan Medicine
