Two U-M Family Medicine research faculty were recently accepted into two highly-competitive National Institutes of Health (NIH) training programs for emerging researchers. Health economist and our most recently appointed research faculty Elham Mahmoudi, Ph.D., assistant professor, was accepted into the 2017 Butler-Williams Scholars Program, sponsored by the National Institute on Aging (NIA). As a B-W Scholar, Mahmoudi will attend an intensive summer program on the NIH Campus in Bethesda, Maryland in late July-early August 2017. The B-W Scholars program will include "lectures, seminars, and small group discussions in research design relative to aging, including issues relevant to aging of ethnic and racial minorities. Lectures will cover topics in research on aging, including: the biology of aging; genetics and Alzheimer’s disease; and health, behavior, and aging.....The program also will include consultation on the development of research interests and advice on preparing and submitting research grant applications to NIA" (information accessed 7/24/17).
Reproductive health and disability researcher Justine P. Wu, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professor, will join the National Institutes of Health (NIH)'s Training Institute for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health (TIDIRH). TIDIRH is a competitive year-long program for investigators to gain expertise in dissemination and implementation research. The institute will provide both online and in-person training sessions, based in Bethesda, Maryland. The NIH training program connects participants to successful senior researchers, drawing from "leading experts (practitioners and teachers) in theory, implementation, and evaluation approaches to D&I; creating partnerships and multilevel, transdisciplinary research teams; research design, methods, and analyses appropriate for D&I investigations; and conducting research at different and multiple levels of intervention (e.g., clinical, community, policy)" (information accessed 7/24/17). Read more on Wu's current work, funded by a five-year K23 research career development award. She is developed a web-based decision aid to support informed contraceptive care for women with medical conditions.
See recent research from Drs. Mahmoudi and Wu and browse the latest department research on reproductive and women's health:
Mahmoudi E, Lu Y, Metz AK, et al. Association of a Policy Mandating Physician-Patient Communication With Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction. JAMA Surgery. (ePub ahead of print 31 May 2017) doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2017.0921. (PRESS RELEASE)
Mahmoudi E, Swiatek PR, Chung KC. Emergency Department Wait Time and Treatment of Traumatic Digit Amputation: Do Race and Insurance Matter? Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017 Feb;139(2):444e-454e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000002936.
Wu JP, McKee KS, McKee MM, Meade MA, Plegue MA, Sen A. Use of Reversible Contraceptive Methods Among U.S. Women with Physical or Sensory Disabilities. Perspect Sex Reprod Health. 2017 May 17 (ePub ahead of print). doi: 10.1363/psrh.12031.
Wu JP, McKee MM, Mckee KS, Mead, MA, Plegue M, Sen A. Female sterilization is more common among women with physical and/or sensory disabilities than women without disabilities in the United States. Disability and Health Journal. 2017 Jan. DOI: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2016.12.020