Megan Lane, MD

Megan Lane, MD

House Officer 7, Integrated Plastic Surgery Residency


Dr. Lane is a resident in the integrated Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery program at Michigan Medicine. She attended Washington University in St. Louis for her undergraduate education and the University of Michigan for medical school. Her research interests include studying patient reported outcomes and healthcare delivery systems.

Megan serves as a committee member for the resident wellness committee in the Surgery Department.

Academic Development Time (ADT)

Dr. Lane is in the National Clinician Scholars Program, which is a two year multidisciplinary fellowship aimed at creating the next leaders in health services research.


  • Undergraduate: Washington University in St. Louis
  • Medical School: University of Michigan Medical School


Why Michigan Surgery 

"I chose Michigan because I ultimately deeply valued the mentorship at all levels provided. As a medical student at Michigan, I benefitted immensely from the guidance of both the faculty and residents. The training in Plastic Surgery has experts in every field and the residents coming out of the program go on to become leaders in the specialty."

Life in Ann Arbor

"As someone who loves to cook, one of my favorite aspects of Ann Arbors are the surrounding farms and farmers markets. You can get amazing seasonal produce all year round. I additionally love going to restaurants like Spencer and Homes."


"I enjoy gardening, cooking, trying new restaurants, and watching documentaries."