Areas of Interest
- Neuropsychological assessment of Aging, Dementia, Stroke, Epilepsy
- Cognitive effects of chronic stress / post-traumatic stress disorder
- Cognitive rehabilitation
- Effects of neurologic injury and disease on cognitive functioning, especially learning, memory, and executive abilities, especially in aging and dementia
- Non-pharmacologic intervention for enhancing cognitive, emotional, and everyday functioning. Methods include
- Cognitively oriented treatments (cognitive rehabilitation, training, remediation)
- Non-invasive brain stimulation (transcranial direct current stimulation, transcranial alternating current stimulation, transcranial random noise stimulation, transcranial magnetic stimulation)
- Structural and functional neuroimaging as both predictive and outcome tools
Featured News

October 7, 2024
Brain network study reveals clues about dementia’s behavior changes
Tau protein buildup in the brain disrupts the salience network that connects multiple brain regions, helping you to react to the outside world and your own thoughts

July 25, 2022
Finding the right memory strategy to slow cognitive decline
A new study compares two popular forms of cognitive training that people often use to improve learning and memory.

June 14, 2021
A prescription to ward off cognitive decline – without medication
A clinical neuropsychologist with expertise in dementia shares what the science tells about improving memory and thinking without drugs.
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship; Emory University & Atlanta VA Medical Center, Atlanta, GA, USA
- Drexel University (MS, PhD), Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Macalester College (BA), St. Paul, MN, USA