April 4, 2024

Cruises see a fair amount of overboard incidents: Are ships equipped?

Dr. Michelle Riba is quoted in this USA Today article. 

link to the original article


For some passengers, being around family members or away from their day-to-day routine can be stressful, said Dr. Tia Dole, Chief 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Officer at Vibrant Emotional Health. “But for other people who might have been struggling with their mental health … going on a vacation actually takes you out of your environment, it makes you feel better,” she said.

The widespread presence of alcohol and gambling in onboard casinos may also prove challenging for some travelers, said Dr. Michelle Riba, a clinical professor at the University of Michigan Medical School's Department of Psychiatry and former president of the American Psychiatric Association.

"People have to be self-reflective and talk to their loved ones about how problematic it might be to be on a ship where there's easy access to that," she said.


Travis Heggie, a professor at Bowling Green State University who studies tourist health and safety issues, said it's difficult to draw concrete comparisons, however, between rates at sea and on land due to a lack of comprehensive statistics. Riba added that it would be hard to compare the two, given varying demographics and other factors.
