Tuesday, May 28, 2024

PEACH Work-in-Progress (WIP) Seminar

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

NCRC, Building 16, Conference Room 266C

For more information on PEACH, visit peachequity.org

PEACH Program Directors
Gary Freed, MD, MPH & Susan Woolford, MD, MPH
Office Phone: 734-615-7272 | Email: [email protected]

The WIP is open to all, including physicians, nurses, social workers, child life specialists, and trainees. Lunch will be provided for in-person attendees who RSVP.

Rachael Pace, Neonatology Mott Hospital
Rachael Pace, Senior Clinical Information Analyst Neonatology Division at Mott Children's Hospital

Project 1: Kangaroo (skin-to-skin) care is vital to ensuring optimal immediate and long-term cognitive, social, and behavioral outcomes for children born preterm or with low birth weight. This PEACH study found a significant gap in kangaroo care between White infants and infants of minority racial groups. 






Gary Freed MD MPH
Gary Freed, M.D., MPH
Professor of Pediatrics
PEACH Director

Project 2: Untreated vision impairment hurts a child’s performance in school, negatively impacting their entire future. This PEACH study looked at the following: Are there differences in the rates of vision screenings across clinics for pediatric patients? Do these differences contribute to racial and socioeconomic inequities in vision screenings?